H2H: Shijin Spiral Five-Hit WS, Additional Effect: Plague. TP mods chance of Plague.
Dagger: Exenterator Four-Hit WS, Additional Effect: Accuracy Down. Duration of effect varies with TP.
Sword: Requiescat Five-Hit WS, Non-elemental damage. TP mods Attack (Not sure what it means by this)
Great Sword: Resolution Five-Hit WS, Damage varies with TP.
Axe: Ruinator Four-Hit WS, Accuracy varies with TP.
Great Axe: Upheaval Four-Hit WS, Damage varies with TP.
Scythe: Entropy Four-Hit WS, restores MP based on damage dealt. Damage varies with TP.
Polearm: Stardiver Four-Hit WS, lowers enemy critical hit evasion. Damage varies with TP.
Katana: Blade: Shun Five-Hit WS. TP mods Attack (Same characters as sword)
Great Katana: Tachi: Shoha Two-Hit WS. Damage varies with TP.
Club: Realmrazer Seven-Hit WS. Accuracy varies with TP.
Staff: Shattersoul Four-Hit WS. Lowers enemy magic defense. Chance of effect varies with TP.
Bow: Apex Arrow Triple Damage that ignores defense. Amount ignored varies with TP.
Marksmanship: Last Stand 1-2 Hits, based on ammo remaining. Damage varies with TP.
EDIT: In a Perusal of the JP wiki I've found out the descriptions for the new Sword and Katana WS TP mods have only ever been used before for Iron Tempest and Sturmwind in the JP version. It's exactly what it says on the tin: your attack is modded instead of your FTP. In the English version of the game, this distinction is not made and it simply says "Damage varies with TP" for those two weapon skills. It seems that they're taking into consideration that PLD and NIN may have hard times against enemies with high defense and thus made TP mod attack this time instead of FTP.
And while were on new shizzer, prepare to jizz your pants. I bring you....Nyzul Armor updates!
Askar Set +5 - Set Bonus Occasionally annulls severe damage taken:
That Nyzul stuff IS ridiculous. I'd say they've succeeded in revitalizing interest in an old event if they are going to come up with stuff like that. The Salvage and Einherjar upgrades should be interesting once those are released.