Anduril is an endgame shell that has been around since 2004. Its primary function has been as a shell where members can engage in planned events on a regular schedule.
As a shell we do our best to plan events that are relevant to current endgame and require an ally or more. At inception our focus was Sky and we expanded events as new activities and zones were introduced. As of early 2014 our focus has been on Divine Might V2, Delve and Legion with older events and targets scheduled as needed.
Anduril is comprised of a diverse group of members from different backgrounds and with varying playtimes. Despite these differences we expect members to remain respectful of each other in LSchat. While we understand not everyone can be friends with each other and sometimes people may become engaged in disagreements, we ask that they keep combative arguments out of LSchat. We also ask that members be respective of different religious beliefs, political affiliations, sensitivity to sexually oriented discussions, etc. While we do our best not to censor people (and expect them to show their own maturity and restraint if their discussion is making people upset or uncomfortable), if need be SH will censor such discussion and hand out warnings, or if need be discipline, in the form of lotting penalties. However we are also aware that some people can be overly sensitive and do ask them to recognize that the LS is full of passionate adults with strong opinions and as of such, discussion can get heated at times and not to take it personally.
Anduril primarily operates on a tiered points system. Members declare a mainlot job which is used to determine their priority for an item based on the jobs that can equip it. Points are earned at events and items are lotted using earned points along the lotting tier. The point value of items are determined by their rarity, demand and, in some cases, their AH cost.
Official Anduril Events are held on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday from 8pm Eastern Time. Events generally last ~2-3hrs with rare exceptions. Members often organize their own events outside of LS Event time. On some occasions certain events organized outside of LS time may result in LS points if certain LS goals are met. Full members are required to attend events if they are online unless they have been excused by a SH. However we do not have attendance% requirements to maintain lotting rights.
Anduril is a large shell and sometimes we have overflow at events. The primary logistics concern of SH is to make sure that any alliance that is formed has a reasonable chance of victory at the planned event. We do our best to accommodate members who need certain "clears" or "titles" or are after particular rare drops. However depending on the need of the ally and the job flexibility of certain members, at times it is not possible to accommodate everyone. For this reason we encourage LS members to have a good distribution of jobs including support jobs such as BRD, COR as well as high demand jobs such as WHM, SCH, etc. Members who are asked to sit out (or who volunteer) still receive full credit for the event night and when possible will also be allowed to lot items.
We offer two kinds of membership:
Full Members - These members are required to attend events if they are online. While they may be excused if we have overflow, they still need to check in if they wish to receive credit. Because they are required to be at events if they are online, Full members should not be part of a different endgame shell where they would have a conflict during event time. Generally full members have lotting priority over Social members. Full members also have priority for inclusion into the main ally HOWEVER this is pending the needs of the alliance and may be waived if a social member can fill a needed job that a full member cannot (i.e. if we need BRDs for the ally and the full members being excluded are melee jobs only). The other scenario in which we waive Full Member priority in an ally is if we need to get some of our social members’ clears or titles to grant them access to gear or higher tier battlefields. In addition full members are expected to keep at least one of their jobs relatively current gear wise so that they can function in an endgame environment.
Social Members - These members are not required to attend events. If they do choose to attend events (or report in even if they can’t be accommodated) they receive full credit. They have equal voting rights in the LS. However they are generally on a secondary priority for lotting, alliance slots. When possible we do our best to accommodate social members for "clears" and assist in gearing them with items that are not needed by full members. If a social member wishes to switch to full membership status they need to post an application as if they were applying for the first time, however they retain any points they earned as social members. This tier of membership is often the best option for applicants who are returning after a long break and want to re-gear, or for people who are looking primarily for a shell to hang out in and have people to talk to.
LS Overview and Application Procedure
- Sahearniitth
- Posts: 1681
- Joined: Sat Aug 09, 2008 2:52 am
- Contact:
- Sahearniitth
- Posts: 1681
- Joined: Sat Aug 09, 2008 2:52 am
- Contact:
Re: LS Overview and Application Procedure
So we had a minor moderation accident and the actual Application Template got erased. I will write it up again over the weekend but if you need information in the meantime please contact me ingame.