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Erons focus group

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:11 pm
by Eron
This product is a keychain that can be set off by your phone to find your keys AND if you have your keys you can hit a button on the keychain to find your phone. Please answer these questions responsibly

To help me better...copy paste this part into your answer

1. Male or Female

2. Is this a product you would buy?

3. How often are your keys and phone together?

4. Do you lose your keys or phone frequently?

5 Would a keychain that could do this be something youd be interested in buying?

Re: Erons focus group

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:13 pm
by Preetykeety
1. female
2. yes
3. very rarely
4. occassionaly
5. I could be talked into it!

Re: Erons focus group

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:14 pm
by Dkbutterflavah
1. Male or Female


2. Is this a product you would buy?


3. How often are your keys and phone together?

All the time

4. Do you lose your keys or phone frequently?

All the time

Re: Erons focus group

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:19 pm
by annika
1. Female
2. Yes I would buy
3. They are always together except in my home, I hang my keys on a hook while at home..
4. I lose my keys more often than my phone.
5. I would be interested in buying this product.

Re: Erons focus group

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:30 pm
by Muirnin
1. Male or Female

2. Is this a product you would buy?
Probably not.

3. How often are your keys and phone together?
Fairly often.

4. Do you lose your keys or phone frequently?

5. Would a keychain that could do this be something youd be interested in buying?
Not really.

Re: Erons focus group

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:41 pm
by tisiphone
1. Male or Female

2. Is this a product you would buy?

3. How often are your keys and phone together?
The majority of the time they are on my person except while I'm at home, or my housemates decide they can't find their keys so take mine instead.

4. Do you lose your keys or phone frequently?
yes :oops:

5 Would a keychain that could do this be something you'd be interested in buying?