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Thinking about making the plunge
Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 5:14 pm
by lhova
So I'm thinking about building a mythic sense I get very bored with this game unless I have a clear objective in mind and I was just curious on if you can trade the alex as you go (once you actually are able to start the mythic quest)? I've been able to tag along with Sah and Spo on assaults and hopefully once I attain captain (currently Corporal) I'll be able to have the experience to redo the 50 assaults and everything else. So if anyone is spamming Ein or NNI let me know in game and I'll go. I hope to finish Anni by the time I get Captain so I can farm and use gil from dyna to buy more alex since I certainly don't have the 240-300m to buy the needed items and scoria.
Re: Thinking about making the plunge
Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 7:21 pm
by Deathbeckons
WTH 240m war toy?!
Re: Thinking about making the plunge
Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 7:58 pm
by Sahearniitth
You can turn in the Alex as you go if you are past the first stage of titles. For this stage you need to have gotten the titles for the 3 TOAU Beast Kings, 4 Chariots from Salvage 1 and Odin I.
Solo farming Alex will take ~220 days to obtain the 30k Alex needed on average. If you have other gil sources and buy some Alex this number will drop rapidly. You CAN turn this in as you go. However PERSONALLY I am not in favor of turning in Alex unless you are 100% committed to a weapon regardless of whatever adjustments SE might make to it (or the game in general) in the next few months. Once you turn in the Alex (or Eyepatch or Storybook for that matter) if you cancel you will not get them back. Because of the huge gil investment this may not be the best idea (unless you are committed to a weapon even if they nerf it before you finish just for the prestige).
Scoria is dropping rapidly, however once you are close to done (ideally on trials but even within the last 2k Alex) I can schedule PW in LS if you need help killing. Its not hard to solo the mobs to PW in ZNM (although 1-2 of them you may want help just as insurance) and its entirely possible to build a full PW set in a day if you farm the points for pops beforehand and have the t1 pops from Login Campaign Points.
Re: Thinking about making the plunge
Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 9:46 pm
by Genoxd
You can build a pop set per character and farm points the zeni all in 1 day even without cheating but it sucks
If you get to the the ZNM stage I can solo the mobs you're worried about.
Re: Thinking about making the plunge
Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 10:57 pm
by Krazykozy
I got a 300+mil sam toy! DB come back so I can destory you in the parses!
Re: Thinking about making the plunge
Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 7:38 am
by lhova
220 days.... Time for Sah to give me a 0% loan!
Re: Thinking about making the plunge
Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 12:57 am
by Lulabelle
This post remiinded me of the 2 mythics I would of had if I didnt sell them