I don't really get it
Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 6:27 pm
I don't know if there is a negative perception about me or that I have rubbed people wrong the last couple of weeks but if it came out that way its not my intent. I really only play this game based on having fun with my family (Berond) and my ls mates. There are some people that I think that I'm closer with than others but at the end of the day I'm always opened to helping anyone in the ls with something if I'm able to do it. I've done NNI runs, farmed seals and did other shit that didn't benefit me but if I was able and was needed I was there. I honestly believe that is what a ls is about, helping your bro's and gal's out to make the link shell stronger and to help a mate. I'm very proud to say that I'm a member of Anduril and I truly appreciate anytime help or knowledge is given to me. Thanks all!