Hello Peoples! As everyone in the LS knows ive been trying to get Glavoids stuffs this year, and I have asked often in ls chat for helps, usually ive found it but through many peoples advice i'd like to create an LS only Static to farm pops and kills them! My jobs i can come to farm are WAR THF SAM BLM COR NIN with Iaxz and Nayhema has RDM WHM BRD. I am available to static pretty much any evenings non event days, and will be able to static heavily into late october, until i go overseas again. If you are interested please post here your jobs and lets get to it!
Time: M, W,F 430-9'sh (maybe later ?) Static 4~6 weeks
Location: Tahrongi Canyon [A]
Objective: Goldfarm/ kill Misc NM's for KI's then Kill them for empy stuff's
Who? : Anduril peoples
Tahrongi Canyon Stuff's "Do you need it"
Re: Tahrongi Canyon Stuff's "Do you need it"
Kametame would probably love to team up with you. Prob Theo too unless he found a static.